Monday, September 27, 2010

Welcome to Math Blog!

Hello, and welcome to my math blog.  In this blog, I will be exploring whole numbers and number theory.

The symbols for writing numbers are called numerals.  A logically organized collection of numerals is called a numeration system.

We use our numeration system in just about everything that we do.  We use it to tell time, when we use money, when we pay our check at a restaurant, and figuring our paycheck at work.  Can you think of an example when you  use our numeration system?

There are various numeration systems that exist, below are a few.

An algorithm is a word that is pretty commonly used in math; but what is an algorithm?  An algorithm is a step-by-step process for computing.  There are many algorithms in math, and in this blog hopefully I will be able to explain a few.

Check out this explanation of algorithms at

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